Kamis, 01 September 2011

Free Download Itunes For Windows

In the early part of the research results of researchers from Harvard Law School shows the 5 advantages iTunes than its competitors. namely :

1. pricing
The price of a song is 99 cents with no other fees. With no subscription fee, with no member fees. This is the purchase price. Not rents. Such a revolutionary pricing model and palpable. Cheap and easy from the consumer side.
Pricing model that is easy and straightforward it makes the customer comfortable. Consumers feel shopping at the iTunes Store seemed like P2P music sharing. It's just better quality and legal.

2. Song Catalog
Since the initial launch, iTunes has prepared a catalog of exceptional music that much. First iTunes offering 200,000 songs in its catalog. In 2004 increased to 700,000 songs. In 2007 increased to 3 million songs.
Year 2004 has sold 100 million songs.
The year 2006 has sold 1,000 million (1 billion) track.
In 2009, January 6, has sold six billion songs.

3. Ease of Use
iTunes Store soon famous for its ease and comfort. After free browsing, shoppers can instantly shop with just one click. Or can she save it first in your shopping cart at any time purchased.

4. Digital Rights Management System
All the songs that are traded on the iTunes Store are protected by copyright. The songs can be played on iPods everywhere infinite. But the song can only be copied in a number of small computer only. DRM protect all that. Apple continues to make revisions to its DRM system.

5. Extra Features
A unique and impressive feature makes iTunes customer does not want to move to a competitor. Even the customer makes the final mooring iTunes as their adventure.
That's five greatness iTunes Store (with iPodnya) version of the research team at Harvard Law School.

if you are interested in using itunes ?

Download Now !

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